You don’t need to book a move if it is only one or two items of furniture eg: A (small) couch, new fridge, washer, TV etc still in carton. Be careful not to damage corridor and lift walls and glass surfaces.

For Move Ins only:
A Move In charge of $59 inc gst will apply to every new resident requesting access to move into an apartment that they have bought or rented.

The Move In charge will be invoiced by BStrata, the strata manager.

There is a Building Administrator who will assist movers with information and the lift key.

Please email the BA: with any queries regarding moves.

There are strict arrangements for moving in and moving out, for the benefit of all residents.

Moving in and moving out is not permitted after 3pm Weekdays and Saturdays and any time on Sundays.

Bookings must be made at least 72 hours in advance of the required date and time, using the form below.

A maximum of one lot in each building will be permitted to move in or out at any one time, so the booking schedule operates on a first come first served basis (due to lift limitations).

One four-hour time slot is allowed for each move.

Please complete the below Move-In/Out booking details and ensure the form is signed. Once the Strata Manager B Strata has received the completed form, your move-in request will be confirmed, and access arrangements and maps will be provided.

Glass entry doors must not be propped open. This may damage the door mechanism and will activate an alarm. If you are moving in or out, a member of your moving party needs to manually hold the door to ensure security is maintained.

Lift doors must never be held open. Instead, on your moving application form please request a lift key.

Remember that the car bays located on Kyle Way and Graylands Road are public car bays owned by the Town of Claremont. If a vehicle, such as a removalist’s van, needs to either overstay the 2-hour limit or occupy more than one car bay, a work zone permit is required.

The work zone permit application form is available on the Town website. The fee is $55 per bay per day, but this does not reserve you a carbay.

Should you have any queries, contact the Town on 08 9285 4300.
Resident Details
*Name *App / Lot No
 Reserve     Grandstand
*Email Removalist Company
*Mobile No Driver Mobile No
 Owner     Tenant  Move In     Move Out
If you are a tenant, prior to approval, the Property Manager must sign your Move form.
Please note all MOVE INS incur a $59 incl move in charge.
Booking Preference
Time for booking available - 9am to 1pm
Requested Date of Booking
Requested Start Time for Move (Please indicate)
 9am     10am     11am     12pm
   I / We agree to be bound by the booking form and by-laws and accept any additional charges resulting from damage or call-outs:
Know the Buildings
Your Facilities
Moving In/Out
Recycling and Waste
Fire Procedures
Important Services
Pay My Levies
8 Graylands Rd,
Claremont, WA 6010
Reserve Grandstand Apartments
Reserve Grandstand Apartments
Reserve Grandstand Apartments